The shooting
The way this documentary was shot is also very particular. Its director, Alfredo Navarro, has opted to tell his story for the docudrama. Thus, “Dreams of Salt” is a hybrid between fiction and documentary, in which the main characters recreate their own stories. “I considered that this format was what could best work for the story we wanted to tell. Although we have used many resources from the narrative and dramatic fiction, the accuracy and the veracity of the stories are fully respected”, said Navarro, for whom this is his first feature film project.
In addition, the film was shot without a script. “We have been gradually deepening the stories of our heroes while structuring the project as we became emotionally involved”, says the director. The shooting occurred intermittently for almost two years, and the abundance of material required to do a tremendous job of selection and synthesis.
“Dreams of salt” has a very important point in its soundtrack, composed for the film by Oscar Navarro, who holds many national and international composition awards and whose music is performed in major performance venues across the world by some of the leading orchestral and wind ensembles.The BSO has been recorded with the Orchestra of Cordoba and has also had the participation of the choir of white voices of the Misterio de Elche.
“Although we always emphasize the humility of our project, we wanted to achieve a flawless finish” says executive producer Jesús Navarro Alberola. The editing and post production of the documentary film has been made in User T38 studies and the sound has been worked in Tecnison. The Madrid-based artist Gabriel Moreno has been responsible for designing the poster. Known mainly for his work as an illustrator in advertising, Moreno has had full freedom to work and on the poster of “Dreams of Salt”: the result is a nuanced poster, highly aesthetic and with a great finish.
The actor, director and screenwriter Tonino Guitián has worked selflessly in the project, as well as many people from Novelda , who participated in the filming , as part of the recording equipment as well as extras in some scenes . “Of course , this project would not have been possible without the people from Novelda . To all who have helped us, I thank them sincerely . This film is for all ” , said the producer.